Saturday, February 26, 2011

Song of the Week: "Lotus Flower" by Radiohead

We all know that Thom Yorke is something of a musical genius, with a talent for intuitive melodic creations and exploratory lyrics. But who knew he could dance? Watching the video for the new single "Lotus Flower" has me wondering if this is a career he overlooked- the guy's got moves. Aside from that, "Lotus Flower", from the surprise release of King of Limbs, is pretty terrific. With what seems like an improvisational mix of blues and dubstep- the beat moves along in a less than linear fashion. Yorke's voice is full of bold ideas that slowly swell from him, but the music doesn't seem to match his words. However the somewhat amorphous and less than fully formed structure of the melody keeps it from being too rigid, so it manages to accompany Yorke's voice quite nicely. It's sort of like a ballad- but only in terms of a post Kid A kind of way. Give it a listen!

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